Posted by : Unknown Friday, 13 September 2013

Sharing an all-time favourite recipe that I've used over and over again, to create "Fuwa Fuwa" (adapted from K-On!) or Fluffy Pancakes! Pancakes seem to be so easy to make. But, getting the batter and consistency right is the key to making pancakes fluffy and light! :D

It is a good recipe to start with especially if you have zero experience in cooking, because it's easy to deal with and it doesn't turn your kitchen messy at all. You will not need to rely on instant pancake-mix any more and having to taste the same pancakes every time. You can create a variation of pancakes just by tweaking the recipe a little bit! Best of all, I think it is a good activity to do together with your family, your friends, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your neighbour etc etc and have a really good bonding time! ^^

So, here is today's simple recipe:

"Fuwa Fuwa" Fluffy Pancakes
Servings: Approx. 8 or more (depends on size you make)

180ml fresh milk
2 tablespoons white vinegar (I usually replace this with same amount of freshly squeezed orange juice)
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 tablespoons butter, melted


1. Combine milk with orange juice in a medium bowl and set aside for 5 minutes to "sour".

*Note: This is an important process to "sour" the milk. Please do not skip this.
The outcome is almost the same as if you would to use buttermilk instead. But, buttermilk is more expensive and may not be easily available in convenient stores or supermarket.

2. Combine flour, sugar, baking power, baking soda, and salt in a large mixing bowl.

3. Whisk egg and melted butter into "soured" milk set earlier on.

4. Pour the wet mixture into the flour mixture and mix lightly until the large chunks of lumps are gone.

No huge lumps in the mixture.

*Note: The key here is to NOT over-mix your batter. You do not want to stir it too vigorously and turn the mixture all watery. Mix it lightly, just enough to ensure that there are no huge lumps in the mixture. As a rough guide, this should not take you more than 1 min.

Bubble appear on the surface.

5. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat, and coat with a teaspoon of butter. Pour a ladle full of pancake mixture onto the frying pan, and cook until bubbles appear on the surface. Flip with a spatula, and cook until browned on the other side.

You should see that your pancake becomes puffy fluffy as it gets cooked :3

How you may switch up this recipe:

1. Using Flavoured Milk
Yea, I often experiment with different flavoured milk, instead of the plain one. I've use chocolate milk for this recipe and the pancake tastes great :) You can already smell chocolate when your pancake is cooking on the pan. 

2. Adding fruits
In the pancake itself. Try blueberries, bananas, or raspberries. But remember to only drop them onto the pancake when the batter is halfway-cooked. Cooking them together with the "raw" batter may produce overly-soft or watery fruits, or for the case of bananas, becomes over-burn.

3. Turn it into dessert
Other than having it for breakfast, or brunch, make it into a dessert. Serve a stack of pancakes with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, freshly cut fruits and nuts, or with ice-cream and waffles.
You may also make them into Dorayaki (Japanese pancake) with redbean paste filling - make 2 small pancakes and "kiap" redbean paste in between you get Dorayaki, TADA~ Doraemon lovesssss it :3 "Totemo daisuki~ Do-ra-e..mon~~~~"

4. Crazy shapes
Pancakes doesn't have to be round, just like watermelon doesn't have to be round (somebody already did square watermelon ok!) Just that round shape is the easiest to make. Ya, but watermelon isn't easy, hmm, so you should try with pancakes first :D Make a bear face, rabbit or anything. Serve it with a nice layout on the plate and make your pancakes extra appetizing! :p

5. Create your own kind
Think of how else or what other ingredients may go well with pancakes? Ham? Bacon? You wouldn't know until you try :)

The choices are unlimited, and only limited to your imagination.


Enjoy cooking~! ^^

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